West Sussex - Advice & Support Service
The West Sussex Community Support Service offers support to clients across a range of social, practical and emotional issues, including housing, benefits, employment, educational and development activities.
Access to the West Sussex service is through a referral, following an initial assessment, by CHIVSS (Community HIV Support Service) via the enquiry line:
For referrals and enquiries about the service in the south (Chichester and Worthing area)
Telephone 01903 858044
For referrals and enquiries about the service in the North (Crawley and Horsham area)
Telephone 01293 600300 Ext 4054
Following referral, the service will respond within 48 hours and aim to offer a face to face appointment at a convenient time and place. Our support is responsive to the clients individual needs and situation and we aim to provide individual, outcome focussed case work, on a 1:2:1 basis by a community support worker who will agree a service plan with the client addressing the current issues. We provide short term support which typically lasts between three to six sessions in which we aim to:
- Improve our clients knowledge of available support services
- Improve our clients confidence to navigate these services
- Increase our clients confidence to reduce social isolation
- Increase our clients ability to function autonomously without the need for regular support sessions
- Empower people living with HIV to live full and independent lives.
During the support sessions the support worker will liase with other key workers to ensure integrated services delivery and ensure that support is delivered with sensitivity and that client confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Community Support Workers:
Chichester & Worthing area
Linda Palmer, Project Manager
Mobile: 07783 978367 Email: linda@stpetershouse.org.uk
Days of work: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9.30 - 1pm.
Horsham & Crawley area
Sue Irshad, Community Support.
Mobile: 07703195873 Email: sue@stpetershouse.org.uk
Days of work: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
West Sussex Team - Administration Office
Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Denne Road, Horsham, RH12 1GZ
We regret we are unable to offer client appointments at this office.
The Community Specialist Service welcomes your opinions about our service and it would be appreciated if you could take a few minutes to complete our survey at:
or if you would prefer a printed copy please telephone Lisa Rackley on 01903 858044