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St Peters House Project offers a free counselling service in East Surrey and West Sussex. Counselling is held in 6-week blocks but can be extended according to need. Counselling offers emotional support to people living with HIV dealing with the following issues:

Counselling covers a range of talking therapies to help people bring about effective change. You do not need to be in crisis or on the verge of one before having counselling. You may be experiencing dissastisfaction with life in general and counselling can be a way of improving your well-being.

In East Surrey: Counselling is delivered by Judi Page and held at St Peters House office in Reigate. To book an appointment, call Steph McArthur on 01737 245521 / 07703 195875 or email

In West Sussex: Counselling is delivered by Lawrence Capon and held at Crawley Clinic.   

For more information or to book an appointment please contact Linda Palmer on 07783978367 or email

We regret we are unable to offer assistance with travel costs.